I’m happy to welcome you on my website

It has for objective to present my route(course) and to give in particular students, scientists and professionals, but also enthusiasts of wine and nature, the publications, works, searches(researches), photos stemming from my professional activities as teaching in various schools and universities and within the Interprofessional Committee of the Wine of champagne(Champagne) then the French Institute of the Vineyard(Vine) and some Wine.

My implication in numerous international thematic networks, as well as the animation of European projects allowed me to arrest(dread) a world approach of the wine-making sector in link in particular with the elaboration and the tasting of sparkling wines, sustainable development, treatment of wine-producing effluents and atomizers, the biodiversity, the landscapes, climate change and the conception(design) of cellars. My visits in most of the wine-making countries allowed me to appreciate(estimate) the beauty and the diversity of the wine-making landscapes valued by numerous photos. From a didactic approach, structured by themes, I suggest you “tasting”(“savouring”) with curiosity this site which also contains a current events of the long-lasting(sustainable) vine growing in the world.

Joël ROCHARD (Machine translation, the good Translation is coming),
Engineer, oenologist, photographer

The West believed for a long time that the modernity was the triumph of the reason, the destruction of the traditions, the memberships, the faiths, the colonization of the real-life experience over the calculation. But, today, all the categories which had been subjected(submitted) to the lit(enlightened) elite, hard-working and colonized, women and children, rebelled and refuse to call modern a world which does not recognize at the same time their particular experience(experiment) and their accesses by the universal. So that those who become identified with the reason appear from now on as the defenders of an arbitrary power […] The modernity is made by complementarities and oppositions between the work of the reason, the liberation of the subject and the implanting in a body and in a culture “.

Critique de la modernité, 1992, Éditions Fayard. (Machine translation, the good Translation is coming)