The european landscape convention (20 october 2000) defines the landscape as “an area, as perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors”.
The landscape is a dynamic relation between a territory and a gaze. It incorporates an interaction between a material approach, in its natural (geology, topography, etc.) And human components (farming, buildings, etc.), and an intangible perception, involving emotions, aesthetics and sensibilities.
Landscape valorization constitutes an important communication support, not only through tourist activities, but also through the media, particularly the new internet-related technologies. It also transmits a cultural message associated with the wine. Conversely, any deterioration in the aesthetics and authenticity of the landscape can harm the product’s image in the eyes of the public.
At the same time, viticultural landscapes are also foundations of the identity of a profession seeking the connections essential to the development of collective actions, especially in the field of environmental protection and sustainability.
Reflection on landscaping requires knowledge of local aesthetic specificities, combined with a collective project involving the different territorial players. This project is based on actions of raising awareness, protection and enhancement, possibly in connection with national or international “labelling”.